Serving Leadership aligns your team for results - remotely
Serving Leadership, both in-person and online, propels employee engagement. Today’s world requires leaders who can build agile, flexible, and focused teams. The Virtual Serving Leader Development Experience delivers evidence-based practices and tools for building sustainable, transformational cultures. As an increasing amount of the workforce moves to remote work, we are here to equip your leaders with practices to develop high-performing teams virtually.
Talk to one of our experienced facilitators today to learn how it can work for your team.
Cohort-based team development through virtual, experience-based learning.
Video-based learning and online performance support tools: eLearning, worksheets, readings, job aids, and reference materials.
Live, virtually facilitated group working sessions.
Individual application coaching and peer accountability.
“54% of workers say they would change jobs for the choice to work remotely.”
Ready to take the next step?
Creating extraordinary client experiences is a top priority for you. Third River Partners offers an approach that focuses leaders and teams on creating the elements of outstanding client experience.